The dreaded writer’s block. We’ve all dealt with it at some time or another, and it can be absolutely devastating to experience as a writer. But there are ways to get around your block. Let’s explore some today.
- Write consistently. Set up a regular time for writing and show up to write. Make your writing a habit (if you can; there are plenty of neurodivergences that can make this not practical).
- When you can’t write, read. Build your craft and spark new ideas. We need to feed our internal well of creativity.
- Read books on craft. I recommend Ann Lamont’s Bird by Bird.
- Freewrite for fifteen minutes. Dump whatever is clogging your brain onto the page so the good stuff can come out.
- Create realistic and manageable goals. Set a word count goal for the day or write for an amount of time. Break down bigger tasks into smaller ones you can tackle without feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes this will still be overwhelming, and you are allowed to take a real rest from writing for a couple days. Sometimes the brain just needs rest.
- Allow yourself to write badly. They’re called rough for a reason. No one writes a shiny first draft. And you can always edit a bad page later. You need words first.
- Switch things around. You don’t have to write in chronological order, especially if you plot ahead of time. I find that I write best jumping around at certain times and moods. Just keep a scene list so you know what needs to be written and how to connect them.
- Change your routine. Write in a different location, change your playlist, go outside.
- Go for a walk. Moving helps you think. Go for a stroll while you mull things over. Blood needs to flow to your brain to disperse the fog. Movement does help.
- Do something mindless that keeps your hands preoccupied. I always hear people say doing the dishes is how they work through ideas. Busy hands and a free mind will help you solve things.
- Do something else creative. Paint, draw, make music, sew a new outfit. Get your creative juices flowing in general.
- Listen to music. Instrumental is a good option for a lot of people since the lyrics can be distracting to them. Or focus on lyrics that will inspire you.
- Do word sprints. You can set up sprints to do alone or with some writing pals. Make these sprints public so you’ll be held accountable. Knowing you have only so much time takes the overthinking out of the equation and knowing you have to report that wordcount to someone will motivate you a lot more than you might think.
Most importantly, push through these blocks, unless it’s caused by burnout (if that’s the case you need rest because the burnout will not go away otherwise). Think critically of your plot and whether or not it’s going in the right direction. I find that most times I get writer’s block is because I am trying to force the story in a direction it isn’t meant to go. And that is the reason I am blocked. But don’t make the mistake of only writing when you feel inspired. You can’t wait for your muse to inspire you, so get writing today. Now is a great time. ;)
Do you have any tips for breaking writer’s block? Comment below!