Plot Twist

Plot Twist

There’s nothing quite like a big plot twist that changes a whole story’s meaning in the big reveal. But plot twists are not an easy plot device to write, so let’s take a closer look at what a killer plot twist must and must not do.


  • Plot twists must be inventive and original. Eliminate the obvious endings that are predictable and easy for the reader to see coming. Plot twists must surprise your reader. Think of 5 different possible endings and then go with the 6th or 10th. Just make sure it makes sense and is supported by what is in your story. Do not go for a plot twist just for the sake of a twist. If it doesn’t make sense, your reader will not be satisfied with the ending. Better to have an ending that is satisfying and can be predicted than an unsatisfying ending.
  • Have a good setup. You have to foreshadow and plant clues for the reader without drawing attention to them (or by drawing attention away from them by using red herrings). Redirect suspicion.
  • Advance the plot. They have to be an integral part of the plot, not just there. Ask yourself why is this deception going on? What does it add to the story once revealed? If you can take out your plot twist without changing the story, you’re doing it wrong. Integrate it into the plot more.
  • Have a purpose. Just like the twist should be a part of the story, it has to have a plot purpose. The twist should change everything the reader has previously known so that the whole story is now seen from a completely different perspective.
  • Create interesting story situations. This way even if your reader does figure out the twist they will still be excited to see it all unfold.
  • Be re-readable. You want your story to be re-readable, so make sure your story is complex and interesting without the twist. Don’t make the twist everything.
  • Have an unreliable narrator. This isn’t exactly a must, but is used commonly to mislead and misdirect the reader by having an unreliable narrator.

Must Nots

  • No tricks. Don’t use dreams to explain away a dramatic setup. Readers will feel cheated and put down your book. They also kill your suspense and tension because the threat perceived wasn’t real. Don’t let your reader down with an unsatisfactory ending that was just a dream.
  • Don’t just pull the rug out from under your readers, pull it out from under your characters as well. The emotional tension will add depth and tension to your story.
  • Avoid the obvious. Otherwise readers will wonder why the characters haven’t figured it out yet.
  • Don’t go for shock factor. The twist has to be believable with what has been happening in the plot. Keep the twist integral to the plot. Many readers will be turned off if shock for shock value alone is used.

Plot twists require a lot of planning and clever writing, but are definitely worth it. Take these tips and try writing your own plot twist. Have you tried writing plot twists before? What did you struggle with? What worked for you? Share in the comments below and happy writing.


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